The Aviation Historian Magazine  |  Issue 49
US Navy airships, employed to hunt U-boats during WW2, are the cover subject for our 49th quarterly issue — these Goodyear blimps, with their ability to loiter for long periods at low speed, were ideal for the anti-submarine role.
Elsewhere in TAH49: Chris Gibson and Ian Bott take a detailed look at the mighty Molins Gun, as fitted to the “Tsetse” version of the de Havilland Mosquito; we examine a little-known Argentinian attempt at a round-the-world flight in the 1920s; and we explore a Bell 47 helicopter fatal crash in Australia which cast a long shadow.
Also: Sweden’s “Super Spitfire” project; post-WW2 British military aircraft procurement headaches; the Women’s Junior Air Corps; the history of Trans-Canada Air Lines; the conclusion of our history of the B-58 Hustler’s evaluation as a potential tactical bomber in Vietnam; and test-flying the Erco Ercoupe and Newbury Eon at RAE Farnborough. All this — and much more — awaits you in Issue 49 of The Aviation Historian.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Aviation Historian Magazine Issue 49.