The Natural Parent Magazine  |  48 - Spring 2022
Spring is in the air in the southern hemisphere. The beautiful blossoms are blooming, and our parks and gardens are filling up with colour once again. We reflect on the life of Queen Elizabeth II, a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Serving the UK and Commonwealth for over 72 years, she has been a constant figure in all of our lives and will be missed by generations of families across the world. Our latest stunning issue is full of inspiration, tips, advice and real-life experiences to guide you on your journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Pinky McKay talks about potential dairy allergies in breastfed babies, the symptoms to look out for, and the steps you can take to eliminate dairy from your own diet. Genevieve Simperingham discusses the benefits of mindfulness and some simple ways that you and your child can develop mindful awareness and better manage stress. Tracey Gillett talks about the science behind "night-time parenting" and how it contributes to a baby’s healthy brain development. She discusses that much of a baby’s behaviour is designed to keep their parents or caregivers close "most, if not all the time, in order to protect them". Rosie Clark shares some delicious and nutritious recipes for the whole family, and if you are looking for some cute and creative craft ideas she has provided some gorgeous activities to try with your children. Wishing you health and happiness on your parenting journey. Love from the TNP Team xxx
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Natural Parent Magazine 48 - Spring 2022.