Sworn vegans who make the decision to eat animal products again fill our newsfeeds with exposés and add fuel to the fire of reluctant omnivores. What, as a community, can we do about revert-vegans?
Revert-Vegan. Noun. Someone who previously followed a vegan lifestyle, who decides to consume animal products on a regular basis, labelling themselves omnivorous, flexitarian or vegetarian.
I totally made that definition up. Turns out there’s no dictionary entry for revertvegan. It’s surprising, seeing as recently we were inundated with news that this runner, that YouTube-er and a singer/rapper are no longer living their best ethical lives. Naturally, when you discover that your close friends, co-workers or family members have decided to try Veganuary or adopt a plant-based lifestyle, you’ll be bitterly disappointed when they order a chicken club the next time you see them. It’s a sinking feeling, leaving you wondering what went wrong? Did they not try the latest non-chicken burrito? Bet they didn’t use oat milk in their coffees or subscribe to the podcast you suggested. Or, maybe, just maybe, if you’d have shown them Vego Bars…