Checkpoint Magazine  |  Issue 04
Welcome to Checkpoint, a new feature-led digital, interactive gaming magazine.
The magazine is aimed at any gamer with an interest in gaming, the influences of gaming culture, the impact gaming has on society and, of course, will cover expected content such as reviews, interviews, previews and events.
In this magazine you'll find video, audio and animation built in to give you more ways to interact with the content.
We'll have regular features with industry legends and op eds on the way gaming is becoming a massive influence in popular culture and every day life.
In this issue: We look at the state of indy development, how it's changing the gaming landscape and what's being done to help nurture and grow our industry. We speak to publishers and developers and feature some of the heavyweights in this space. Oh, and E3... a lot of E3.
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As a subscriber you'll receive the following benefits:
• A discount off the RRP of your magazine
• Your magazine delivered to your device each month
• You'll never miss an issue
• You’re protected from price rises that may happen later in the year
You'll receive 6 issues during a 1 year Checkpoint Magazine magazine subscription.
Note: Digital editions do not include the covermount items or supplements you would find with printed copies.
Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Checkpoint Magazine Issue 04.