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cover feature / extreme effects

6 of the best freeware plugins for extreme sounds

Fledgling developers are often a great source of plugin freebies. Here we’ve selected just a few amazing freeware plugins that can help with more extreme processing
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Computer Music
December 2022

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Rising dance music producer Mafro has already been lauded by two Radio One greats, notched up a million Spotify plays on a track with TSHA, scored the soundtrack to Channel 4’s I Hate You series and co-produced Diplo’s single Let You Go. Did we say ‘rising’ star? Mafro has clearly already risen! Time for the 15, ok, 16 questions that matter...
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Voice a little weedy in the mix? Apply Waves’ new instant harmony generator, which bolsters your pipes via some smart vocal multiplication
Halo Vision £209
If you work in surround formats, this new analysis suite from Nugen Audio could be just what you need
Devious Machines Infiltrator 2 £99
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IK Multimedia T-RackS FAME Studio Reverb £149.99
IK’s meticulously modelled virtual take on FAME Studios can instantly conjure the character of the hits of yesteryear
LiquidSonics/Reverb Foundry Tai Chi £170
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Soundware round-up
Alliant Audio Neo Soul Essentials Vol. 2 £14.95
Soundware round-up
Audiotent Mutate £21 Morph and mould your synth
This month we have an awesome and classic plugin giveaway courtesy of the lovely people at IK Multimedia
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1990 Classic Extreme Leads
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Loopmasters 315 samples
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Mode Audio cm315 samples
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