Acoustic  |  81
It’s Goo Goo Dolls time! This issue we chat to John Rzeznik, the man behind the Goo Goo Dolls’ biggest hits as he tells us why he loves Taylor Guitars, how to get the most from open tunings, that iconic Buffalo gig, how he wrote ‘Iris’ and, of course, the new album Magnetic. We also take a look at the brand new for 2013 Taylor – the Grand Orchestra 918e. Elsewhere we’ve got interviews with Game of Thrones star Iwan Rheon, City & Colour’s Dallas Green, Kacey Musgraves, Bob Minner and Declan Bennett. There are reviews of Catherwood Guitar’s new parlour, a new to the UK Lakewood, Terry Pack’s latest OM and two all-solid models from Tanger. All this plus over 12 pages of expert techniques, and the chance to win a Larrivèe guitar!
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