Adbusters  |  AB #141: The Big Ideas of 2019 - New Ways to Live, Love & Think
A crooked line runs through Adbusters issue #141, connecting cold, hard truths with ideas that may inspire a rebellious flicker of alacrity towards a new future. The clunky, straight-edged shapes of current power structures blot the front lines, only to be overshadowed by swaths of polychromatic pages, their archaic blandness upstaged by design that fucks with complacency. The world teeters on an edge sharp enough to end all life. So without further ado—issue 141 puts forth the real-life jams and revolutionary campaigns that have the energy to shift the status quo. It talks to you—designer, economist, environmentalist, human—and offers ways to re-enchant a disillusioned world. Adbusters’ issue #141 comes with our 2019 #moonstruck calendar—follow the full moon and stay tech-free one day every month, and be as wild as your spirit moves you to be.
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