Alpinist  |  Issue 54 | Summer 2016
As the deadline approached for this issue’s cover, we reached out to Jeremy Collins to see if he might have an idea. He recounts: “I quickly doodled something imagined: Trango Towers meets Baffin Island meets Cirque of the Unclimbables. A dream valley. Then I set my tool against the art to show scale and its simple handcrafted approach. And thus the cover was born—fast and light, alpine style.” Jeremy’s illustrations grace both the cover and this issue’s profile of mythic, sacred and imaginary peaks. Hayden Kennedy writes of an expedition to the Kishtwar Himalaya in India, during which he learns to reassess his priorities as an alpinist. Maya Prabhu presents stories of Indian climbers making fast and light ascents in their own country. Lisa Roderick describes her first season as the manager of Kahiltna Basecamp, with a close-up view of the joy, suffering and risks of climbing in the Alaska Range. The cutting-edge Slovenian alpinist—and ever-provocative thinker—Marko Prezelj asks himself the hard questions
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