Alpinist  |  Issue 57 | Spring 2017
More than 112 pages of some of our most ambitious stories yet. In a 30-page Mountain Profile of Jannu (Kumbhakarna), writers Paul Hersey and Andy Lindblade chronicle tales of decades of climbers who have confronted the unique dangers and otherworldy allure of a 7710-meter summit that remains one of the most challenging peaks in the world. Graeme Dingle, Naoe Sakashita and Sergey Kofanov provide their perspectives on its steep, icy walls—while local guide Dawa Sherpa describes what it’s like to live and work near the base of a mountain sacred to his culture. In other parts of the magazine, Editor-in-chief Katie Ives and longtime reader Tad Welch discuss the evolving meanings of risk within the context of current political and environmental crises. British alpinist Nick Bullock returns from a trip to Tibet to help his aging father navigate amid the uncertainties of a post-Brexit landscape. Nick Mott considers the ethics of climbing on Bear Lodge (Devils Tower), a site sacred to many Indigenous groups. A young
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