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American Farmhouse Style Magazine AFS Aug/Sep 21 Zurück Ausgabe

21 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Only €11,99
It's all about American made! From products and materials for your home, to American artistans and companies that support our national economy, we're celebrating America in this issue! Of course, we have a slew of beautiful homes for you to tour too, including a renovated ranch with recliamed materials and vintage collectibles in Los Angeles, a DIYed modern farmhouse in Minnesota, and the reveal of the mudroom of our Project House in Franklin, Tennessee! Spend the dog days of summer purusing this issue to get ideas for your own home.
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American Farmhouse Style

AFS Aug/Sep 21 It's all about American made! From products and materials for your home, to American artistans and companies that support our national economy, we're celebrating America in this issue! Of course, we have a slew of beautiful homes for you to tour too, including a renovated ranch with recliamed materials and vintage collectibles in Los Angeles, a DIYed modern farmhouse in Minnesota, and the reveal of the mudroom of our Project House in Franklin, Tennessee! Spend the dog days of summer purusing this issue to get ideas for your own home.

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Issue Cover

American Farmhouse Style  |  AFS Aug/Sep 21  

It's all about American made! From products and materials for your home, to American artistans and companies that support our national economy, we're celebrating America in this issue! Of course, we have a slew of beautiful homes for you to tour too, including a renovated ranch with recliamed materials and vintage collectibles in Los Angeles, a DIYed modern farmhouse in Minnesota, and the reveal of the mudroom of our Project House in Franklin, Tennessee! Spend the dog days of summer purusing this issue to get ideas for your own home.
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American Farmhouse Style is the ultimate resource for open, welcoming American décor and architecture, whether in a historic farmhouse, modern country estate or suburban home.

More people are turning away from the fast-paced city aesthetic to tried-and-true American décor. From sophisticated, modern farmhouses to rustic dwellings and weekend getaways, rural country style is far from cluttered or rundown—this classic look has bright, clean interiors, aspirational layouts and loads of vintage collectibles.

American Farmhouse Style features tips, tricks and tours to give you an inside look into the style and architecture, and help you reach your own decorating goals. We’ll show you the myriad potentials for farmhouse style, including flea market, modern, traditional, barnyard and country cottage.

In every issue, you’ll get:
• Inspiring house tours
• Easy DIY projects
• Essential farmhouse decorating basics
• Renovation advice
• Shopping guides
• Seasonal entertaining ideas
Come join us for this rodeo!

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