Animal Planet Kids  |  Issue 26
Hello animal lovers! Welcome to another action-packed issue of Animal Planet magazine. If you love all things bright and feathered, you’re in for a treat, as we explore the most colourful exotic birds on Earth in this issue. January 31 was National Zebra Day, so we've everything you ever wanted to know about these stripey favourites. Make sure you try our quiz to discover what your animal super-power is – take the test to see if you can beat the rest with your super-speed, epic eyesight or even the sting in your tail! And have you ever wondered about the phases of our moon? In this issue you’ll find out all about the moons in outer space! There’s loads to do and hours of fun in this issue of Animal Planet — and don’t forget to enter our amazing competitions!
Happy exploring with Issue 26 of Animal Planet Magazine - the great magazine that helps children make sense of the world and sparks joy on every page.
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