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Drink Driving

About midnight on Thursday January 17, a 37-year old man was stopped while driving on the A83 in Inveraray. After a roadside breaThtest he was arrested for drink driving. A report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.


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25th January 2019

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Argyllshire Advertiser
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self build & renovation
How important our homes are
At times of uncertainty our homes are our best bet
Not all your money has to come from traditional lenders – just ask the government
Not all your money has to come from traditional lenders
Get the cash and funding right before you start
Before you pick your architect or choose your kit home
Get the VAT back
The government has funds a nd gra nts avai lable for
Freedom from worry and value for money
You could build a new home without an architect but would you want to?
Planning to succeed
It has never been easier to navigate the system, thanks to online help and the pre-application services
Kit yourself out!
Kit homes are one of the most popular ways to build your own home there in the Highlands and islands and they come in all shapes, sizes and materials
Is SIPS the next big thing?
The choice is remarkable in kit building including some innovative, industry-leading alternatives
A helping hand for self and custom builders…
Scotland’s Self and Custom Build Portal has been created to provide advice, guidance and support to those interested in building their own home in Scotland.
McKinven & Colville
Kintyre’s leading building contractors
Getting your new home on the grid
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Energy and renewables
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