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Australian Railway History Magazine Mar-15 Zurück Ausgabe

5 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
Only €5,99
This issue opens with Tony Buckley’s account of how the iconic film, A Steam Train Passes, was conceived and made in 1974. It is illustrated by fine photographs by members of the film crew and rail enthusiasts.
Our feature article is Part 1 of Howard Quinlan’s presentation of his statistical analysis of the evolution of Australian public railway networks. It outlines the methodology used and covers the development of railway networks in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Bob Stack’s excellent maps help interpret how the networks involved and the article is illustrated by photos from the ARHSnsw Railway Resource Centre archives.
Trevor Edmonds rounds the issue off with the unusual story of a failed robbery attempt of the Forbes Mail in December 1918.
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Australian Railway History

Mar-15 This issue opens with Tony Buckley’s account of how the iconic film, A Steam Train Passes, was conceived and made in 1974. It is illustrated by fine photographs by members of the film crew and rail enthusiasts. Our feature article is Part 1 of Howard Quinlan’s presentation of his statistical analysis of the evolution of Australian public railway networks. It outlines the methodology used and covers the development of railway networks in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Bob Stack’s excellent maps help interpret how the networks involved and the article is illustrated by photos from the ARHSnsw Railway Resource Centre archives. Trevor Edmonds rounds the issue off with the unusual story of a failed robbery attempt of the Forbes Mail in December 1918.

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Issue Cover

Australian Railway History  |  Mar-15  

This issue opens with Tony Buckley’s account of how the iconic film, A Steam Train Passes, was conceived and made in 1974. It is illustrated by fine photographs by members of the film crew and rail enthusiasts.
Our feature article is Part 1 of Howard Quinlan’s presentation of his statistical analysis of the evolution of Australian public railway networks. It outlines the methodology used and covers the development of railway networks in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Bob Stack’s excellent maps help interpret how the networks involved and the article is illustrated by photos from the ARHSnsw Railway Resource Centre archives.
Trevor Edmonds rounds the issue off with the unusual story of a failed robbery attempt of the Forbes Mail in December 1918.
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Australian Railway History is the bulletin of the Australian Railway Historical Society. Published every month, each issue of the magazine contains:

• Latest research
• Full length articles on historical railways
• Historical and recent photographs

If you are a railway enthusiast and interested in the history of this important mode of transportation then this is the magazine for you. Download your copy today.

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Highly recommended Ozzie Railway History Mag

Anyone interested in Australian Railway history, this is a well produced, and high quality mag. My great grandfather helped built many of these railways in late 19C. Überprüft 22 November 2018

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