Aviation Specials  |  The London Bus Vol.2
This 132 page bookazine is a celebration of the design heritage of London buses, from the late 1920s to the present day. Supported by a wealth of colour and black and white photographs, it tells the story of the often ground breaking technical advances that have been designed into the famous red double-deckers and other vehicles built for London. It also pays homage to the design heritage of London Transport and its modern day successor, Transport for London, which ensured not only that buses were fit for purpose but also that they looked elegant, up-to-date and eye-catching, that they form part of the urban architecture. It is a story that takes us from petrol engines to today's ultra-low emission hybrid electric technology, from bodywork built out of wood to a mixture of lightweight aluminium and composites from the world of aerospace and ocean-going yachts.
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