Bass Player UK  |  April 2016
This time every year I find myself almost unable to type these words – specifically, after the annual London Bass Guitar Show. As you’ll know if you were there, this year’s event on 12 and 13 March was the biggest we’ve ever had in terms of numbers of bass players through the day – and it felt as if I and the BGM team knew every one of you. The community we all move in is at its very best at the LBGS, with studio and session bassists – not to mention a whole raft of actual stars – rubbing shoulders with luthiers, amp manufacturers and then people like you and me, who simply love the low end. Summing all this up in this introduction is almost impossible, so I’ll direct you to our full report in this issue. Suffice it to say that when we said to ourselves last year ‘How are we going to improve on the LBGS 2015?’ we didn’t dare to hope that we’d be asking ourselves the very same question a year later. We’re grateful to each and every one of you.
In this issue we celebrate the life and career of the mighty Bernard Edwards of Chic – taken from us way before his time, 20 years to the month before this magazine goes on sale – and meet the bassists from Public Enemy, Shinedown and Soulfly, as well as nipping up to Promenade Music in Morecambe and meeting Michael Manring. Bass gear on review ranges from a pair of state-of-the-art MTDs to a vintage Danelectro, and as always our world-class tutors do their damnedest to make you the bass player you’ve always dreamed of being.
Does life in bass world get better? Hell no. See you in May!
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