Bead & Jewellery Magazine  |  Issue 120
Let me first start by welcoming everyone to our New Year issue. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful time over the festive period and that 2023 brings you all the joy, happiness and beads you could wish for. After the festive period has been and gone, I often feel like I’m in limbo after making so many pieces for gifts and ornaments, and it does take me a minute to get my creative juices going. One of the ways I jump back into making is by spending time making a pattern that isn’t something that I’ve designed. I find it so relaxing not to have to think about thread paths and where a pattern is going next and to just ‘make’. I also like to make something that is for me, and it almost feels like an indulgence, which I love to revel in for a few days. After that, I feel refreshed and ready to bounce back into design. So, if you also feel like you’re ready to have a bit of ‘you time’, then look no further than all the lovely designs our wonderful designers have come up with for this issue. I felt spoilt for choice, and I hope you do too.
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Bead & Jewellery Magazine Issue 120.