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Big Carp Magazine Big Carp 337 Zurück Ausgabe

13 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €4,99
This month’s double bumper issues
sees a whole host of big captures and
tips for your summer angling. Check out
the likes of Tom Stokes, Oscar Thorton
and Luke Stevenson to help bank carp
during the hot months.
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Big Carp Magazine

Big Carp 337 This month’s double bumper issues sees a whole host of big captures and tips for your summer angling. Check out the likes of Tom Stokes, Oscar Thorton and Luke Stevenson to help bank carp during the hot months.

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Issue Cover

Big Carp Magazine  |  Big Carp 337  

This month’s double bumper issues
sees a whole host of big captures and
tips for your summer angling. Check out
the likes of Tom Stokes, Oscar Thorton
and Luke Stevenson to help bank carp
during the hot months.
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For over 20 years Big Carp has been the serious carp anglers favourite read. Written and read by the world’s top anglers, dedicated to English thoroughbreds, a history of excellence.

The UK’s only proper carp mag with articles from Britain’s top carp anglers past, present and future. Aimed at the angler who not only wants to know what catches but why! Many exclusives from anglers all over the country, in depth technical features on baits and rigs, on the bank interviews with successful anglers both well known and unknown. Life histories of famous anglers, monthly prizes to win holidays tackle and bait. Exclusive diaries Rob Maylin and his friends. Keith Jenkins monthly column “Made in England” featuring the biggest and most beautiful carp caught that month. Big Carp is for the angler who wants more out of his fishing than just catching fish, it is for the angler who wants to know the history of his chosen quarry and the venue it resides in. Big Carp has something for everyone, from the novice angler keen to learn the latest edges from the top anglers to the season pro just keeping abreast of the country’s most important captures.

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Rezensionen ansehen

Full of good articles

Always a good read Überprüft 26 Juli 2019

Full of new ideas

Always and interesting read Überprüft 23 Juli 2019

Highly engrossing

One of the best of its type Überprüft 18 Juli 2019

Top of its class

One of the best fishing magazines Überprüft 11 Juli 2019

Top Mag

Love it! Überprüft 27 Mai 2015

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