Birdwatch Magazine | June 2024
With the temperatures warming, migration slowing down and the breeding season well underway, now is the time to spend time searching for some of the scarcer and shier nesting birds in your area. One species that is likely under-recorded across the country is European Honey Buzzard – in the latest issue of Birdwatch, Jamie Partridge offers tips on tracking down undiscovered pairs of this beguiling raptor, as well as how to ID them with confidence.
There’s also an in-depth feature on the extraordinary constructions that are birds’ nests, with experts Nick Williams and Peter Castell taking a closer look at the many different shapes, sizes and forms that these come in, along with many quirky associated facts.
Another bird of prey also features in the June issue. Eleonora’s Falcon has one of the most fascinating life cycles of any Western Palearctic bird and Sam Jones profiles this long-distance migrant, looking at its breeding-season behaviour and movements.
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