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BirdWatching Magazine Sep/ Oct 2021 Zurück Ausgabe

1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Wildlife)
A spring shorebird spectacle in South Carolina, how Piping Plovers are connected to foxes, Arizona’s low trogon count, how old windmills stymie bird conservation, updates to the North American bird checklist, and more.

A microphone for our yards, finding hope in the extinction crisis, Laura Erickson’s splendid podcast, Rosemary Mosco’s colorful guide to pigeons, and an introduction to the lead artist on the first Noppadol Paothong book to feature all of the world’s birds.
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Sep/ Oct 2021 BIRDING BRIEFS A spring shorebird spectacle in South Carolina, how Piping Plovers are connected to foxes, Arizona’s low trogon count, how old windmills stymie bird conservation, updates to the North American bird checklist, and more. ON THE WIRE A microphone for our yards, finding hope in the extinction crisis, Laura Erickson’s splendid podcast, Rosemary Mosco’s colorful guide to pigeons, and an introduction to the lead artist on the first Noppadol Paothong book to feature all of the world’s birds.

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Issue Cover

BirdWatching  |  Sep/ Oct 2021  

A spring shorebird spectacle in South Carolina, how Piping Plovers are connected to foxes, Arizona’s low trogon count, how old windmills stymie bird conservation, updates to the North American bird checklist, and more.

A microphone for our yards, finding hope in the extinction crisis, Laura Erickson’s splendid podcast, Rosemary Mosco’s colorful guide to pigeons, and an introduction to the lead artist on the first Noppadol Paothong book to feature all of the world’s birds.
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For over a quarter-century, BirdWatching has been North America's premier magazine about wild birds and birding. Regardless of whether you watch birds in your backyard or far afield, you'll find information that will increase your enjoyment, help you connect with other birders, and make you a better birdwatcher.

Each issue contains beautifully illustrated feature articles that describe how to attract, find, identify, and enjoy birds, plus the following:

Superb photographs of birds:

* Page after page of big, colorful photos of birds taken by talented professional photographers
*Several pages of reader-submitted photographs, including the winner of our regular Photo of the Week contest
* A regular gallery of photos of recent rare-bird sightings ID tips from the best in the business:
* Kenn Kaufman, creator of the respected Kaufman field guides * David Sibley, author of the bestselling Sibley Guide to Birds Entertaining, informative columns:
* Julie Craves answers readers' questions about birds
* Pete Dunne writes about birds, birders, and birdwatching
* Laura Erickson gives practical tips for attracting birds
* Eldon Greij explains how birds can do the amazing things they do Important news about birds:
* Information about birds of conservation concern from American Bird Conservancy
* Profiles of birds migrating now, from the team leaders of eBird
* Seven pages of bird news, plus info about festivals and events, new books, backyard products, and birds to watch for
Details about where you can find birds:
* Maps, directions, bird lists, and tips for four easy-to-get-to places to find birds, with descriptions written by local birders

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