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Black+White Photography Magazine July 2012 Zurück Ausgabe

308 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €5,99
Calling all monochrome photographers… July sees the launch of the Black+White Photographer of the Year and this time you have the chance to win Leica’s sensational new black and white camera, worth £8,000!

Get your competitive streak going with classic Olympic shots from acclaimed photographer Eamonn McCabe, go on a monochrome adventure with Lee Frost’s stunning images of Namibia and immerse yourself in Martin Bogren’s powerful photographs of his Swedish home town.

From Hollywood to Belfast, first assistant film director and photographer Gerry Gavigan talks to us about his intriguing new photographic project and it’s unlikely connections to his ‘real’ job. Take inspiration from Gavigan and technique tips from Tim Daly with his step by step guide to shooting better video with your DSLR.

We put pro photographer Paul Debois in the hot seat with our quick fire questions, re-live the heyday of commercial beach photography and go stateside in search of the late James Fee’s haunting images. And, please give a warm welcome to our new series, Making a Photobook, with Eddie Ephraums – don’t worry, we’re starting simple with a timeless foldout book.

On test this month, we compare six of the best tablet computers for photographers and put a much-anticipated new semi-pro camera from Sony through its paces. Has it been worth the wait?

All this plus, news, photography exhibitions, Building a Classic Library, Tim Clinch on the subtleties of sharpening and our favourite reader images.
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Black+White Photography

July 2012 Calling all monochrome photographers… July sees the launch of the Black+White Photographer of the Year and this time you have the chance to win Leica’s sensational new black and white camera, worth £8,000! Get your competitive streak going with classic Olympic shots from acclaimed photographer Eamonn McCabe, go on a monochrome adventure with Lee Frost’s stunning images of Namibia and immerse yourself in Martin Bogren’s powerful photographs of his Swedish home town. From Hollywood to Belfast, first assistant film director and photographer Gerry Gavigan talks to us about his intriguing new photographic project and it’s unlikely connections to his ‘real’ job. Take inspiration from Gavigan and technique tips from Tim Daly with his step by step guide to shooting better video with your DSLR. We put pro photographer Paul Debois in the hot seat with our quick fire questions, re-live the heyday of commercial beach photography and go stateside in search of the late James Fee’s haunting images. And, please give a warm welcome to our new series, Making a Photobook, with Eddie Ephraums – don’t worry, we’re starting simple with a timeless foldout book. On test this month, we compare six of the best tablet computers for photographers and put a much-anticipated new semi-pro camera from Sony through its paces. Has it been worth the wait? All this plus, news, photography exhibitions, Building a Classic Library, Tim Clinch on the subtleties of sharpening and our favourite reader images.

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Issue Cover

Black+White Photography  |  July 2012  

Calling all monochrome photographers… July sees the launch of the Black+White Photographer of the Year and this time you have the chance to win Leica’s sensational new black and white camera, worth £8,000!

Get your competitive streak going with classic Olympic shots from acclaimed photographer Eamonn McCabe, go on a monochrome adventure with Lee Frost’s stunning images of Namibia and immerse yourself in Martin Bogren’s powerful photographs of his Swedish home town.

From Hollywood to Belfast, first assistant film director and photographer Gerry Gavigan talks to us about his intriguing new photographic project and it’s unlikely connections to his ‘real’ job. Take inspiration from Gavigan and technique tips from Tim Daly with his step by step guide to shooting better video with your DSLR.

We put pro photographer Paul Debois in the hot seat with our quick fire questions, re-live the heyday of commercial beach photography and go stateside in search of the late James Fee’s haunting images. And, please give a warm welcome to our new series, Making a Photobook, with Eddie Ephraums – don’t worry, we’re starting simple with a timeless foldout book.

On test this month, we compare six of the best tablet computers for photographers and put a much-anticipated new semi-pro camera from Sony through its paces. Has it been worth the wait?

All this plus, news, photography exhibitions, Building a Classic Library, Tim Clinch on the subtleties of sharpening and our favourite reader images.
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Black+White Photography is the champion of the B&W image. The magazine features stunning contemporary images from some of the finest names in black & white. As well techniques and tips, product news and reviews, every issue provides opportunities for readers to have their work published and to benefit from a variety of competitions and workshops. Black+White Photography is considered a ‘must read’ for anyone interested or working in the creative world of B&W imaging.

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Basierend auf 308 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Very good magazine in need of some fresh perspectives

For the most part, I find B/W Photography Magazine essential reading: well-written; informative and with a good balance between different styles and methods. I especially like features about photographers and their work, the news and the book section.

I have one reservation. Apart from Lee Frost, I no longer read any of the staff writer/photographers. I feel that it is time for some fresh ideas and new perspectives.
Überprüft 06 April 2022

Black + White Photography

It is one of the best photography magasines around. I so look forward to the arrival of each an every issue Überprüft 18 Februar 2021

Black + White Photography

Superbly focused to the subject of B+W fine art and photography! Überprüft 12 Februar 2021

Black + White Photography

Very good magazine with lots of interesting information. Überprüft 05 Januar 2021

Black + White Photography

Have been reading this for years on my iPads, but have just found to my great pleasure that I can now experience your beautiful magazine full screen on the iMac! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Überprüft 01 Oktober 2020

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