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Issue 044

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In This Issue
‘And what do you say…?’ Parents and guardians
‘The garden of the world has no limits,
Nature’s diary
Ground yourself in Earth’s wisdom by marking the turning of the seasons
Forward thinking
A kind act not only benefits someone else, it can be good for you, too – so pass it on
Heal the sole
The ancient practice of reflexology offers the potential for relief from many modern ailments
Thank you for the days
How acknowledging and thanking the people who guide us towards personal fulfilment can create a positive effect all round
Mini-breaks for the mind
In a fast-paced world, it’s helpful to have moments where thoughts can come and go
Hidden gains
Money management might not be the most exciting pastime, and in times of economic crisis it can be especially challenging, but in the long run it can help reduce stress and improve mental health
Small wonders
How to grow a lush winter-vegetable garden in a space no bigger than a margarine tub
‘What you do makes a difference, and you
On the menu tonight…
… Confidence for the main course, a side helping of flexibility, and people skills for dessert. Welcome to hospitality, an industry that serves up plenty of gains alongside the hard work
Oh, for olives
The humble olive has been consumed by humans for thousands of years – and across the Mediterranean and further afield, the growing, picking, pressing and eating of this versatile fruit is still a matter of wonder and delight
From tree to table
Green, black, big or small, every olive will bring its own unique flavour to a dish. Here are just a few of the ways Letitia uses them in her cooking
A jar full of joy
The unexpected benefits of repurposing glass containers
Imitation game
Copying someone is often framed as negative, but positive social mimicry can be a healthy and essential part of life
Tickled pink
Pigs might not always have had the best reputation, but these intelligent animals can make loving companions – if you have the space to house them
‘You can’t stop the waves but you can
Through the ages
How understanding the influence of brain development over a person’s lifetime can help with cross-generational communication
In search of closure
It’s easy to feel stuck when ruminating over past events and struggling to find answers as to what happened and why. Here, we explore some of the ways that can help loosen the ties to difficult events, making it easier to move forward
Viewed through a lens
Why characters you meet in your dreams can speak volumes about your waking life
The end in mind
Death is as equally an important chapter of life as any other, and it can be helpful to talk about it ahead of older age, even if it feels uncomfortable to do so
Tame the tide
Strong emotions are a part of life, but they can become overwhelming. Thankfully, self-regulation can help to keep them in balance
‘My most important talent – or habit –
Sparkles of delight
Loved for their magical and transient qualities, snowflakes are as unique as every person on the planet
Natural beauty
If you’re stuck for creative inspiration, the colourful and captivating creatures that inhabit the planet are a good place to start
Hive mind
Some of the great artistic movements of the 20th century emerged from creative colonies, where painters, sculptors and writers lived and worked alongside each other
Novel approach
Notebook or laptop? Planner or free-flow? Writing that novel is doable when you get your strategies in place to keep you on track
In glorious colour
The world is full of wonderfully vibrant places, some more kaleidoscopic than others, but all waiting to be discovered whether that’s in person or from your armchair
When you wish upon a star
Mysterious and magical, meteor showers are some of the most spectacular celestial events visible from Earth, but what lies behind nature’s year-round firework display?
Wondrous world
The diversity and beauty of Britain’s countryside, coast and cities, as seen through the lens of entrants to the 14th annual Landscape Photographer of the Year competition
In the borderlands
Change can be unsettling, but reframing the time we spend moving from one place to the next can give us space to dream
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