Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine  |  Winter 2022
Welcome to the Winter 2022 Issue of Bully's the Bulldog magazine. Since the winter season is a time of warm gatherings for humans and hounds alike, our Bully's the Bulldog Magazine Winer Issue is dedicated to highlighting togetherness, and therefore has included a series of personal feature stories to enjoy. For example, there are stories based on interviews with individuals about dogs in the workplace at a law firm, a Calgary Zoo employee's Boxer, and a renowned iron chefs Basset Hound. There is also a new story as part of the continued series about Bean Hart.
We hope that you enjoy spending time with your family during this upcoming Christmas season. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family Happy Holidays, and all the best for your health and happiness during the upcoming year.
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
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