Canadian Yachting | February 2023
Winter Boat Shows are back on in Canada and we are ecstatic!
The February issue of CY is jam packed with a gallery of Hot New Boats! Over the summer months and at Fort Lauderdale Boat Show the CY Team got on board to view each boat. We curated an amazing gallery of up-and-coming fibreglass beauties ranging from day boats to cruisers.
The Regal 36 LS was reviewed by Jill and Andy on a hot summer day in August. This boat is tech-savvy and laid out perfectly for day use with friends and family on board as well as cruising with your family. The large swim platform can accommodate your entire crew for that “At Anchor Swim Party”. This boat is all about getting the floaties out, pfd’s on and making memories!
In late October, when the water was already starting to thicken, Jill and Andy dawned their toques and winter wear for a full review of the Parker Weekend 800. The Weekend 800 is very functional and perfect for a couple or small family. The hard-top enclosure provided protection from the elements even so late in the season. That is all we are going to share – you will have to read the full review in the February issue if you want to know more!
Destination Lake Ontario! Steven Bull, host of Waterways TV, writes about Western Lake Ontario. Steven and his young family are boaters on Lake Ontario so who better to tell us what’s what on this Great Lake? Hot on the heels of this, CY Media will release the all-new, much anticipated PORTS Guide for Lake Ontario & the 1000 Islands. It will be ready for you to purchase at the Toronto International Boat Show first!
We also welcome Jeff Butler of Plugboats, regular Guest Writer Katherine Stone and of course, the Port Hole by CPS is in this edition.
Enjoy the February Boat Show Issue of Canada’s Boating Magazine and be sure to stop by our booth at the Toronto International Boat Show. We love to meet our readers!
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