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Checkpoint Magazine Issue 07 Zurück Ausgabe

12 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
Welcome to Checkpoint, a new feature-led digital, interactive gaming magazine.

The magazine is aimed at any gamer with an interest in gaming, the influences of gaming culture, the impact gaming has on society and, of course, will cover expected content such as reviews, interviews, previews and events.

In this magazine you'll find video, audio and animation built in to give you more ways to interact with the content.

We'll have regular features with industry legends and op eds on the way gaming is becoming a massive influence in popular culture and every day life.

In this issue: We look at some of the best known women in the industry. We explore their route to gaming, how they feel about the current gender balances within our industry and what the future holds for the next generation of women that will be interested in a career in video games. We speak to Rhianna Pratchett and veterans Shannon Loftis and Kate Edwards.
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Checkpoint Magazine

Issue 07 Welcome to Checkpoint, a new feature-led digital, interactive gaming magazine. The magazine is aimed at any gamer with an interest in gaming, the influences of gaming culture, the impact gaming has on society and, of course, will cover expected content such as reviews, interviews, previews and events. In this magazine you'll find video, audio and animation built in to give you more ways to interact with the content. We'll have regular features with industry legends and op eds on the way gaming is becoming a massive influence in popular culture and every day life. In this issue: We look at some of the best known women in the industry. We explore their route to gaming, how they feel about the current gender balances within our industry and what the future holds for the next generation of women that will be interested in a career in video games. We speak to Rhianna Pratchett and veterans Shannon Loftis and Kate Edwards.

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Issue Cover

Checkpoint Magazine  |  Issue 07  

Welcome to Checkpoint, a new feature-led digital, interactive gaming magazine.

The magazine is aimed at any gamer with an interest in gaming, the influences of gaming culture, the impact gaming has on society and, of course, will cover expected content such as reviews, interviews, previews and events.

In this magazine you'll find video, audio and animation built in to give you more ways to interact with the content.

We'll have regular features with industry legends and op eds on the way gaming is becoming a massive influence in popular culture and every day life.

In this issue: We look at some of the best known women in the industry. We explore their route to gaming, how they feel about the current gender balances within our industry and what the future holds for the next generation of women that will be interested in a career in video games. We speak to Rhianna Pratchett and veterans Shannon Loftis and Kate Edwards.
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Checkpoint is the world’s first fully interactive digital games magazine. Combining the immersiveness and depth of a conventional magazine – Checkpoint’s veteran games writers have contributed to the most respected newspapers, TV channels, games magazines and websites – with the interactivity of a website via embedded video, podcasts and animations, Checkpoint is unique.

Checkpoint is all about taking an in-depth, entertaining and informative look at the pop-culture phenomenon that videogames have become.

And every monthly issue is now free: create a Pocketmags account (which just requires an email and a password), and you’ll be able to download the app for iOS or Android completely gratis.

Congratulations: you’ve reached your first Checkpoint.

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•  Ein Rabatt auf den UVP Ihrer Zeitschrift
•  Ihr Magazin wird jeden Monat auf Ihr Gerät geliefert
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Sie erhalten 6 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Checkpoint Magazine Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Rezensionen ansehen

World’s first fully interactive digital games magazine

World’s first fully interactive digital games magazine and it's free, what is there not to like? Written by veteran gamers with links to podcasts, games and reviews Überprüft 12 August 2020

Checkpoint Magazine

Great magazine, my kids love it Überprüft 06 Mai 2020

Excellent content

Really good content and in-depth articles supported with rich media. Überprüft 17 Januar 2020

Informative and different

In-depth analysis and really interesting. This is a magazine for people who want more than just reviews. I love that there are no reviews in this magazine. Überprüft 10 Januar 2020

Highly entertaining

Many more articles every month Überprüft 20 Juli 2019

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