Classic Boat  |  Classic Boat February 2013
Our annual charter guide is a distillation of the many charters we’ve been on over the years – and some we just like the look of. We are also aboard Chough, a gorgeously restored proper little yacht at just 18ft, and we are sailing from London to Istanbul on a 19ft Iain Oughtred yawl with Italian adventurer Giacomo de Stefano and, keeping the Italian connection, visiting gondola builders in Venice to learn about their ancient craft. Also in this issue:
The unbelievable interior of the New York Yacht Club (and its story!)
Royal Navies race classic yachts in Corsica
The realities of owning a pilot cutter for charter
A perfectly restored pre-war hullabaloo’s boat on the Broads
Practical tips, opinion, news, yards and much, much more
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