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Classic Car Weekly Magazine 26th September 2018 Zurück Ausgabe

13 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
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Insurance Europe – an organisation that represents thirty five national insurance bodies from across Europe – has attacked plans to force mandatory cover on all classics even if they aren’t being used on the roads as being unworkable. It said that the European Commission (EC)’s plan to introduce its new Motor Insurance Directive (MID), which would force cars being used in motor sport events and laid up vehicles to have mandatory cover – something that the UK government is opposed to – should be reconsidered. General insurance policy advisor, Thomas Gelin, published a paper stressing that a re-think was needed, reminding the EC of member states’ right to derogation – that is, the right to apply as much or as little of the MID as they see fit.
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Classic Car Weekly

26th September 2018 BID TO INSURE SORN CLASSICS UNDER ATTACK Insurance Europe – an organisation that represents thirty five national insurance bodies from across Europe – has attacked plans to force mandatory cover on all classics even if they aren’t being used on the roads as being unworkable. It said that the European Commission (EC)’s plan to introduce its new Motor Insurance Directive (MID), which would force cars being used in motor sport events and laid up vehicles to have mandatory cover – something that the UK government is opposed to – should be reconsidered. General insurance policy advisor, Thomas Gelin, published a paper stressing that a re-think was needed, reminding the EC of member states’ right to derogation – that is, the right to apply as much or as little of the MID as they see fit.

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Classic Car Weekly  |  26th September 2018  

Insurance Europe – an organisation that represents thirty five national insurance bodies from across Europe – has attacked plans to force mandatory cover on all classics even if they aren’t being used on the roads as being unworkable. It said that the European Commission (EC)’s plan to introduce its new Motor Insurance Directive (MID), which would force cars being used in motor sport events and laid up vehicles to have mandatory cover – something that the UK government is opposed to – should be reconsidered. General insurance policy advisor, Thomas Gelin, published a paper stressing that a re-think was needed, reminding the EC of member states’ right to derogation – that is, the right to apply as much or as little of the MID as they see fit.
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