Classic Military Vehicle  |  No.155 A Quick-Way The Hard Way
I recently received an anonymous letter that was also
addressed to the editors of another MV magazine, the Dailey
(sic) Mail and Express, and the Department of Health. An
odd combination of addressees you might think, but it was
basically a diatribe against the sanitary conditions at one of
last year’s MV events. The thinly veiled accusation against the
MV mags was that they failed to report what the anonymous
writer considered to be ‘the truth’ in return for some sort
of financial incentive. All I can say now is that details of my
pension fund account are available to show organisers upon
request, but it won’t do them much good, and not only
because someone else will be in this seat before the show
season starts. The fact is, the last time I looked this magazine was called
Classic Military Vehicle and not Sanitary Monthly or some
such. Hanging around the toilet and shower blocks at a show
is very low on my priorities – I better qualify that; I deny ever
doing it. But I would happily have published sensible, relevant
and non-libellous letters on the subject... as long as the writer
had the courtesy to identify themselves.
But the really odd thing in my view was that, judging by
what he or she wrote, the anonymous author had every
intention of going to the same event again this year. Why in
heaven’s name would anyone do that if it was so bad? Just
don’t go. If enough people vote with their feet, good, well-run
shows will prosper – others won’t. Simple. Correction: Last month
we reported on a court case (Normandy Museum Embezzled) involving Patrick Bunel and stated that he was currently head of the Normandy Tank Museum. In fact, his association with the Normandy Tank Museum
ceased in November 2013 and we would like to apologise for any
embarrassment caused by that error.
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