Coarse Angling Today  |  170
The October issue of Coarse Angling Today is available to download now!
Rob Harrington knows a thing or two about putting Thames chub on the bank, and Tony Miles returns to talk about barbel baits and some common misconceptions. Bob Morris has developed a new, pragmatic approach to his fishing, while Matthew Fernandez has been enjoying life at Marsh Farm. Alan Storey talks river seed fishing with Paul Garner, and Mark Barrett recalls a memorable summer he spent with his friends on a water teaming with big rudd. Dom Garnett explains why he’s taken to social media to inject a daft sense of fun back into the fishing world and rekindle people’s love of small fish. Mark Hewer has a royal appointment on the Kings Weir, and Duncan Charman talks the bread punch. We’ve also got a Guest Editorial from Steve Pope.
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