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Paul Blaise Marino


In her poem “Children Learn What They Live,” Author Dorothy Law Nolte provides various examples of the action and reaction of life experiences upon children. If there were a version of this poem for the numismatic community, it might include the stanza, “If children live with inspiring examples of enjoying a hobby to the fullest, they will learn to take that interest to new heights.”

Such is the case for Paul Blaise Marino, owner of Flower Hill Collectables ( A native of Massachusetts, Marino is a member of a multi-generationa numismatic family. His introduction to the hobby, which is now the focus of his business, was courtesy of his grandfather, an avid coin collector. Additionally, his family owned a coin shop in New Hyde Park, Long Island, New York. That is where he learned a great deal of numismatic knowledge and the skills of operating a business.

“I learned the business working on Saturdays at my parents’ coin shop. In the summertime, I would work full time,” Marino said. “My father cautioned me not to stay in the business because it is a tough business, but I should learn as much as I could while I had the opportunity.”

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