Combat Aircraft Journal  |   July 2017
The July issue of Combat Aircraft showcases the recent Exercise ‘Atlantic Trident’ and the coming together of the USAF’s F-22, F-35A, the Royal Air Force Typhoon and French Air Force Rafale in an incredible show of air power might. With exclusive images, this is one not to be missed. In addition, we feature exclusive images (and video in the digital version) of the deployment of USAF F-35As to RAF Lakenheath to work alongside the resident 48th Fighter Wing.
The issue also looks at the District of Columbia Air National Guard with incredible images, the first of a series on attack helicopters - leading with the AH-129 Mangusta, a piece on VFA-103 ‘Jolly Rogers’, a comprehensive review of the Russian MiG-29, plus Iran’s F-4D Phantoms IIs - the world’s oldest operational ‘Rhinos’.
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