Country Music | Apr/May 2019
Country Music magazine is the perfect supplement for anybody who is into country music. If you want to stay up-to-date on all of the latest developments in the country music world, then look no further - Country Music has got you covered! Every issue brings you exclusive interviews with some of your favourite country stars, alongside stunning photography capturing the heart of country music.
But it doesn’t stop there! Enjoy insightful reviews of the latest country albums to hit the shops and get the lowdown on the country concerts and tours that are worth your time! Incredible music meets high quality writing in Country Music magazine, you’ll be inspired, entertained and informed with every issue.
Get every single issue of Country Music magazine delivered directly to your device, completely hassle-free, and keep up-to-date with all of the latest developments in the country world. All the exclusive news, reviews and interviews will be at your fingertips! Subscribe to Country Music magazine today.
Enjoy all of these features and more when you subscribe to Country Music:
- Exclusive interviews with your favourite country music stars
- Beautiful photographs, alongside high-quality features
- Reviews of the latest country music albums and tours
- All the latest news from the country music world
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