Craft Stamper  |  Feb-19
Welcome to our February issue! Happy New Year! I hope your 2019 will be chock full of mixed media art! Enjoy creating wherever your inspiration and imagination takes you :). I hope this issue will kickstart that creativity, we have some amazing projects to share this month. The bright and vibrant canvas created by Michelle is a perfect place to start, why not have a go at layering up your own? We have a wide variety of art in this issue, fabric art from the amazing Lou, 3D assemblage from Julie Ann, and some lovely journal covers from the Eileen Hull team. Perhaps this may be the year you try something new? I think I’m going to dig out my embroidery floss and get stitching! If all that wasn’t enough, this month we also have inspirational tutorials from Susanne Rose, Sara Naumann and Tracy Evans, a spectacular Muse piece from Kay Halliwell Sutton, and some fabulous art from our talented readers in our Ready Set Stamp gallery. Lots for you all to experiment with! Have a wonderfully crafty month everyone!
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Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Craft Stamper Feb-19.