The Yorkshire Dalesman  |  Apr 2017
In April's Dalesman:
• Two miracles at once: Tony Greenbank joins a special lesson in life beneath
• Return of the Vikings: Caroline Butterwick learns how Jorvik Viking Centre has been rescued from the floods
• A new life for bikes: Helen Johnson visits a charity project in Harrogate restoring unwanted cycles
• Velocipedes and dandy horses: Adrian Braddy discovers when Yorkshire first caught the bicycle bug
• Back-to-backs to the future? Sebastian Oake hopes there’s still a place for an iconic feature of the city landscape
• Boltby funeral day: A poetic memory
• More adventures underground: A new book follows a Yorkshire Dales classic in the genre
• Plus columnists, puzzles, recipes, walks, cartoons, reviews, nature, news, events and much more.
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