Several tie-in volumes have attempted to illustrate the insides of a Dalek, beginning with The Dalek Book (1964) – which incorporated an Anatomy of a Dalek spread into the comic strip adventure City of the Daleks. Supposedly an extract from a booklet picked up by astronaut Jeff Stone on Skaro, the cross-section detailed how (for example) the Daleks’ ‘light bulbs’ in fact vent excess energy, how their inner skin contains a temperature-controlling gas named neutritron, and how their electromagnetic Atractavon enables them to elevate themselves vertically. The mutant wasn’t depicted, but described as being contained with a yellow globe-like unit in the Control Chamber in its midsection. The anatomy was revised for The Dalek Pocketbook and Space Travellers Guide (1965).
The Dalek creature was relocated to an ‘environment chamber’ in the neck in a new The Anatomy of the Dalek feature contained in the Doctor Who and the Daleks Omnibus (1976) – which revealed that the Dalek now had a ‘Combat Computor’ (sic) and ‘Psych Analysers’ to read enemies’ thoughts. This depiction