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Brad Kelly, general manager of The Doctor Who Experience.
Inspired by The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar (2015) the Experience recreated Davros and his Skaro infirmary as a walk-in exhibit.
Photo © Marcus Hearn.
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Doctor Who Magazine
DWM Special 45 – The 2017 Yearbook

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Doctor Who magazine
Meet the Crew
As work on the 2017 episodes continues, some of Doctor Who’s lesser-spotted crew members take time out to describe their contributions to the series.
Back to SCHOOL
In 2016 a new Doctor Who spin-off series followed in the wake of Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. We met the people behind Class, as they prepared for their first term…
Music Lessons
The score for Class was written by Blair Mowat, a composer with a passionate and deeply analytical approach to the music of Doctor Who.
Award-winning visual effects designer Mike Tucker has recently been working with the Doctor Who Experience, bringing classic monsters back to life…
Target Books’ range of Doctor Who novelisations is fondly remembered for the illustrations that graced its covers. In April 2016 Doctor Who’s account brand manager opened an exhibition of this artwork at the Cartoon Museum in London.
Doctor Theatre
In March 1989 Jon Pertwee famously reprised the role of the Third Doctor in The Ultimate Adventure, a play staged at London’s Wimbledon Theatre. On 23 October 2016, an English Heritage plaque commemorating the actor was unveiled at the venue.
Friend FROM THE Future
In April 2016, an extended preview featuring the Doctor and his new companion Bill gave us our first taste of the next series. In November we spoke to the director and costume designer behind this intriguing mini−episode.
Big Finish continues to provide plenty of new audio episodes of Doctor Who. Executive producer Nicholas Briggs looks back on a busy 12 months.
Return to the Forbidden Planets
His famous father didn’t approve of Doctor Who, but Jamie Anderson has forged a new career as a writer and director at Big Finish.
Born Again
The Cybermen and the Second Doctor made their débuts half a century ago, in 1966. But these aren’t the only reasons to commemorate that momentous year…
New animation recreating the missing story The Power of the Daleks was revealed to the public at a special screening in November. We were there to gauge the reaction.
BBC Audio’s Michael Stevens has had a busy year, adding to an already impressive catalogue of new and reinterpreted Doctor Who adventures.
Press Gang
As part of the celebrations for its 500th issue, Doctor Who Magazine hosted its first convention. A brisk panel brought together some of the magazine’s leading writers and editors.
It’s the new frontier of fandom – let’s meet the giants of Doctor Who podcasting.
Gatherer Hadoke
Since 2013, Toby Hadoke has amassed an amazing collection of interviews for his Doctor Who podcast… but is his ongoing quest reaching an end?
RARE Grooves
The year’s music releases included sought-after limited editions of old favourites and lesser-known records by Doctor Who luminaries.
The Greatest Fan Show in the Galaxy
Presenter Christel Dee and producer Chris Allen discuss the perks and pitfalls of running Doctor Who’s official YouTube fanzine.
Regenerations Revisited
Undeterred by a recent lack of new episodes, in September hundreds of fans gathered in Swansea for one of the most renowned get-togethers on the Doctor Who calendar.
Word Up
In 2016 the range of official Doctor Who books revisited some old classics alongside several highly unusual new tie-ins.
Who watches the watchers? These days, it seems the answer is: quite a few of us…
Tributes to the Doctor Who luminaries who passed away between December 2015 and November 2016.
In the summer, a TARDIS arrived from out of nowhere on a North London street.