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Double Gun Journal Magazine Autumn 2012 Zurück Ausgabe

14 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Volume Twenty-Three Issue 3
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Double Gun Journal

Autumn 2012 Volume Twenty-Three Issue 3

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Double Gun Journal issue Autumn 2012

Double Gun Journal  |  Autumn 2012  

Volume Twenty-Three Issue 3
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The Double Gun Journal is the world's best publication entirely devoted to classic game guns and rifles. Like the guns it depicts, the journal simply oozes class and quality. Every issue is dedicated to the preservation and circulation of knowledge about the world’s classic double-barrel shotguns and rifles – and to all the things we love to do with them! Each big issue contains invaluable reference information and is richly illustrated with beautiful photographs to deepen appreciation for collectible and often very usable firearms from the last two hundred and fifty years. Our writers and photographers are as international as our subscribers, who live in more than 38 countries around the world. You won’t find another publication like the Double Gun Journal anywhere! Produced in the the U.S. and published quarterly.

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Basierend auf 14 Kundenrezensionen
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Double Gun Journal: The Perfect Pair!

For aficionados of fine wine, “pairings” are an essential part of their passion. And so it is for mavens of the classic double gun. Their indispensable pairing is Double Gun Journal! For me, and those in my circle, every issue of DGJ is as anticipated as a brilliant day afield. And the reward starts with your senses.

The Journal’s covers are classically tactile and gold embossed. It’s perfect binding bespeaks library quality production. And its pages are brimming with feature material and breathtaking photos of incredible double guns, both past and present.

The Summer 2019 issue of DGJ is a perfect example. There’s a history of William Moore & Grey, a feature focus on Holland & Holland’s Dominion model, the story of A. W. du Bray’s incredible AA Grade Parker, a look at the stunning L. C. Smith Premier… and so much more!

Simply put, your double gun passion deserves the perfect pairing: Double Gun Journal. And perhaps a glass of Cabernet as well.
Überprüft 19 August 2019

Winter 2018 edition

I'm an avid reader of DGJ. The latest quarterly edition has articles on all sorts of double barrelled sporting guns, a Baker paradox, a Peerless, a Boss, a Fox Sterlingworth, a Yugoslavian boxlock, a 20 bore Parker, Dougall, Manton and Lancaster duck guns, Remington 1894, a biography of Joseph Needham, an Ithaca and finally an article on W.C. Scott guns. Phew! Every article is well researched by experienced and knowledgeable shooters and the photography of the guns and their features is beautifully shot. If you like vintage sporting guns this is the best magazine on the planet! Überprüft 19 April 2019

Old guns via new technology - I couldn't be happier!

I own a few 19th century shotguns and I love to imagine all the shoots and owners they have seen since they were made. The Double Gun Journal is also fascinated with the story of old guns and its articles tell the history of the makers, owners and performance of these classic and often highly usable guns. The guns described are mostly American and British but not exlusively. I've never found any other gun magazine which is full of vintage guns and rifles.

A typical article will look at the purchase and /or restoration of a gun or rifle, describe its history, and then look at how well it performs now. It gives a real insight on how good the guns were when new. Many back-issues are available which is useful if there's a gunmaker you are particularly interested in. Some articles include new research that I haven't found in the reference books.

I like drooling over a bit of 'gun porn' and DGJ provides it in spades. The guns are beautifully photographed and the print edition of DGJ is a glossy, highly collectible, subscription only, magazine published every quarter. Luckily for those of us who live in Europe and are on a budget, the digital edition is an exact copy of the print edition and is very easy to use and affordable. I use all sorts of digital devices and there's an app for all of them so I can indulge my passion for historic guns on almost any screen I want!
Überprüft 30 August 2017

The "Wikipedia" of Double Guns!

Double Gun Journal is quite literally the ultimate resource for information and engaging feature material on virtually any double gun!

There is nothing else even approaching it on offer today. Authoritative information abounds on all the classics and famous makers from every corner. Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, The United States and more.

The presentation of each story is of regal quality. Layout is superb. Typography rewarding. And the photos of superlative quality and rarity. This magazine is a feast for the eye and mind.

It all reminds us that the double gun is more than an instrument of sport. Much more. They are functional works of art, and hallmarks of history. Double Gun Journal encapsulates it all in every issue!
Überprüft 02 Juli 2017

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