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Embellish Magazine Embellish Issue 37 Zurück Ausgabe

28 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Only €5,99
Have a play with and be inspired by textile and fibre arts, and mixed media!

Embellish is a must-have magazine for the textile, fibre and mixed media artist. It is an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide.

Each issue is filled with inspiration, information and instructions to get you creating your own artworks. You will find:
Artist profiles
Student profiles
Wonderful projects and techniques to try
Great feature articles
Book reviews
And so much more!

Each issue since issue 20 now has a theme (eg. Japan, the beach, the garden) which has helped bring out extra creativity and fun for both contributors and readers.

Each issue also has a reader postcard swap where readers send in a textile art postcard relating to a specific theme – some are published in Embellish and all are published on Facebook for voting and a prize. All participants receive a swapped postcard back.

Embellish is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Embellish, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue.

We know you will enjoy this great magazine!
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Embellish Issue 37 Have a play with and be inspired by textile and fibre arts, and mixed media! Embellish is a must-have magazine for the textile, fibre and mixed media artist. It is an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide. Each issue is filled with inspiration, information and instructions to get you creating your own artworks. You will find: Artist profiles Student profiles Wonderful projects and techniques to try Great feature articles Book reviews And so much more! Each issue since issue 20 now has a theme (eg. Japan, the beach, the garden) which has helped bring out extra creativity and fun for both contributors and readers. Each issue also has a reader postcard swap where readers send in a textile art postcard relating to a specific theme – some are published in Embellish and all are published on Facebook for voting and a prize. All participants receive a swapped postcard back. Embellish is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Embellish, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue. We know you will enjoy this great magazine!

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Diese Ausgabe und andere ältere Ausgaben sind nicht in einem Embellish Abonnement. Das Abonnement enthält die letzte reguläre Ausgabe und die während des Abonnements erscheinenden neuen Ausgaben und ist bereits ab einem Betrag von €4,75 pro Ausgabe . Wenn Sie ein Abonnement abschließen möchten, sehen Sie sich bitte unsere Abonnement-Optionen
Die Ersparnisse werden auf der Grundlage eines vergleichbaren Kaufs von Einzelausgaben über einen annualisierten Abonnementzeitraum berechnet und können von den angegebenen Beträgen abweichen. Die Berechnungen dienen nur zu Illustrationszwecken. Digitale Abonnements beinhalten die letzte Ausgabe und alle regulären Ausgaben, die während Ihres Abonnements erscheinen, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Das von Ihnen gewählte Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch, wenn es nicht bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ablauf des laufenden Abonnements im Bereich Mein Konto gekündigt wird.

Issue Cover

Embellish  |  Embellish Issue 37  

Have a play with and be inspired by textile and fibre arts, and mixed media!

Embellish is a must-have magazine for the textile, fibre and mixed media artist. It is an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide.

Each issue is filled with inspiration, information and instructions to get you creating your own artworks. You will find:
Artist profiles
Student profiles
Wonderful projects and techniques to try
Great feature articles
Book reviews
And so much more!

Each issue since issue 20 now has a theme (eg. Japan, the beach, the garden) which has helped bring out extra creativity and fun for both contributors and readers.

Each issue also has a reader postcard swap where readers send in a textile art postcard relating to a specific theme – some are published in Embellish and all are published on Facebook for voting and a prize. All participants receive a swapped postcard back.

Embellish is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Embellish, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue.

We know you will enjoy this great magazine!
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Each issue of Embellish contains a mix of techniques, articles, ideas, profiles & inspirational stories, all related to cloth and clothing. Projects include dye processes such as shibori, orizomegami, plant dyes, or the layering of colour to create complex cloth. Well known textile artists such as Marie-Therese Wisniowski and Jane Dunnewold are regular contributors in the ArtCloth columns.
Fabric manipulation techniques are examined, whether by hand or machine, or with the help of felt or dissolvables to create surface texture. Machine embellishers or needle punch machines are often featured, as you can create amazingly tactile surfaces in a short period of time, with little experience. We show you how.
Repurposed textiles have their own regular column, as do profiles of up and coming students and designers. Projects related to textile applications, incorporating the use of fabric, yarn, felt and/or fibre are always featured.
A different geographical location is looked at from a sensory perspective in each issue, showing you regional sights and textile delights in a double page spread, from textile experts.
Embellish often features hand beading with simple embroidery stitches and introduces new textile products, to give you all you need to create your own unique cloth.

Als Abonnent erhalten Sie die folgenden Vorteile:

•  Ein Rabatt auf den UVP Ihrer Zeitschrift
•  Ihr Magazin wird jeden Monat auf Ihr Gerät geliefert
•  Sie werden keine Ausgabe verpassen
•  Sie sind vor Preiserhöhungen geschützt, die später im Jahr eintreten können

Sie erhalten 4 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Embellish Zeitschriftenabonnement.

Hinweis: Die digitalen Ausgaben enthalten nicht die in den gedruckten Exemplaren enthaltenen Umschlagseiten oder Beilagen.

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