SO, THIS IS IT: my final letter to you, in my final issue as Editor-In-Chief. I’ve been thinking a lot during these last months, as I prepared for this moment, about what makes Empire what it is. But I’ve realised I was asking the wrong question. Because it’s not what; it’s who. And the answer to that question might begin with us, but it ends with you.
So, let’s start at the beginning: with the Empire team, that I’ve been so proud to lead for the last six years. Who put their considerable brains and even bigger hearts into everything they do. Chris, Nick, James, Chris, Lizzie, Joanna, Ben, Mike, Ian, John, Helen and Aliyah. We might not always agree on Star Wars or Scorsese, but we are of one mind in the unassailable fact that there’s, quite honestly, nowhere else we’d rather be. Than here, with each other, with all of you.