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Fieldsports Journal Magazine Volume VI Issue IV Zurück Ausgabe

15 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Only €15,99
If you have ever had the good fortune to meet this issue’s guest editor Tiggy Pettifer, you will never forget the encounter. In charge of fundraising and events for the Atlantic Salmon Trust, her infectious personality and boundless enthusiasm for saving wild salmon makes her a force to be reckoned with. Based in Powys, we interview the Mad Welsh Woman at home on the Usk. You won’t be surprised to read that Tiggy’s issue has a distinct salmon leaning, but there is plenty of non-fishy content too - we visit a top notch driven shoot in North Yorkshire, we reveal the winners of the Eat Game Awards, and we report on the remarkable syndicate shoot at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire which has opened up its books to new members for the first time in 100 years. We have also teamed up with Schöffel Country to celebrate their 30th anniversary by giving away gear from their newly expanded fly fishing range. There’s also interviews with two fanatical fishermen – comedian Paul Whitehouse and actor Jim Murray – who are both on a mission to raise awareness of the trouble our rivers are in.
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Fieldsports Journal

Volume VI Issue IV If you have ever had the good fortune to meet this issue’s guest editor Tiggy Pettifer, you will never forget the encounter. In charge of fundraising and events for the Atlantic Salmon Trust, her infectious personality and boundless enthusiasm for saving wild salmon makes her a force to be reckoned with. Based in Powys, we interview the Mad Welsh Woman at home on the Usk. You won’t be surprised to read that Tiggy’s issue has a distinct salmon leaning, but there is plenty of non-fishy content too - we visit a top notch driven shoot in North Yorkshire, we reveal the winners of the Eat Game Awards, and we report on the remarkable syndicate shoot at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire which has opened up its books to new members for the first time in 100 years. We have also teamed up with Schöffel Country to celebrate their 30th anniversary by giving away gear from their newly expanded fly fishing range. There’s also interviews with two fanatical fishermen – comedian Paul Whitehouse and actor Jim Murray – who are both on a mission to raise awareness of the trouble our rivers are in.

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Fieldsports Journal  |  Volume VI Issue IV  

If you have ever had the good fortune to meet this issue’s guest editor Tiggy Pettifer, you will never forget the encounter. In charge of fundraising and events for the Atlantic Salmon Trust, her infectious personality and boundless enthusiasm for saving wild salmon makes her a force to be reckoned with. Based in Powys, we interview the Mad Welsh Woman at home on the Usk. You won’t be surprised to read that Tiggy’s issue has a distinct salmon leaning, but there is plenty of non-fishy content too - we visit a top notch driven shoot in North Yorkshire, we reveal the winners of the Eat Game Awards, and we report on the remarkable syndicate shoot at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire which has opened up its books to new members for the first time in 100 years. We have also teamed up with Schöffel Country to celebrate their 30th anniversary by giving away gear from their newly expanded fly fishing range. There’s also interviews with two fanatical fishermen – comedian Paul Whitehouse and actor Jim Murray – who are both on a mission to raise awareness of the trouble our rivers are in.
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Full of outstanding photography and well-written editorial, Fieldsports magazine is a luxurious read that no game shooting enthusiast should be without. Fieldsports features interviews with prominent craftsmen, gamekeepers and hunters enlightening readers on their interests, providing valuable advice and commenting on how they fell in love with country sports. Fieldsports also offers a comprehensive look at the lifestyle of the country gent, including events to attend, the finest wines to taste and discussions regarding restraint when hunting.

A simply spiffing publication, Fieldsports’ forte lies firmly in game shooting, featuring an extensive focus on the importance of acquiring and understanding the principal behind guns and gundogs. If you are on the lookout for insightful reviews regarding the finest guns, superb fishing gear and excellent places to hunt, you can find all of this and more in Fieldsports magazine. With current affairs and country sports news in every issue, you will always stay-up-to date with a magazine subscription to Fieldsports.

A Fieldsports digital magazine subscription is a must for lovers of game shooting, fishing and hunting, who’ll enjoy:

  • Interviews with notable figures in the country sports world
  • Advice on what products you need to secure the perfect shot
  • Insightful news regarding hunting and fishing around the world
  • Recounts of fellow country sportsmen’s days out hunting
  • How to turn your game into delicious, mouthwatering dishes  

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