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FlyPast Magazine June 2017 Zurück Ausgabe

207 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €5,99
Don’t miss the special, 132-page June issue of FlyPast, which focuses on perhaps the most important naval battle of World War Two – Midway in the Pacific. During this pivotal 1942 clash, American air power made a significant difference. We offer a blow-by-blow account of the action, and examine the roles played by the Douglas Dauntless dive-bomber and the Brewster Buffalo.

Grumman Avenger
Continuing the Pacific theme, we describe a newly restored Grumman Avenger that is now flying in the US, with exclusive air-to-air images by John Dibbs.

Spotlight on the Destroyer
Our in depth Spotlight section examines a sometimes overlooked hero of the Vietnam War, the twin-engined Douglas Destroyer. We reflect on the operational career of the Cold War jet with exclusive artwork and rarely seen images.

Lancaster ‘Just Jane’
The transformation of potentially airworthy Avro Lancaster B.VII Just Jane at East Kirkby is described by Darren Harbar.

Maple Leaf giant
The huge, four-engined Canadair CP-107 Argus served its nation well. Robert S Grant praises Canada’s much respected sub-hunter.

Millionaire’s squadron
Tom Moulson, 601 Squadron’s first National Service pilot, reflects on life flying Cold War jets with North Weald’s ‘Weekend Warriors’.

We also look back on the last Spitfire victories of World War Two, which were made over Borneo shortly before VJ Day, while Steve Maclean describes efforts made by Liberator crews to supply beleaguered Polish partisans amid a vicious German backlash. Richard Paver reports on a MiG-15 that’s flying in Norway, and we bring you news of a significant new arrival at the Yorkshire Air Museum.

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June 2017 Don’t miss the special, 132-page June issue of FlyPast, which focuses on perhaps the most important naval battle of World War Two – Midway in the Pacific. During this pivotal 1942 clash, American air power made a significant difference. We offer a blow-by-blow account of the action, and examine the roles played by the Douglas Dauntless dive-bomber and the Brewster Buffalo. Grumman Avenger Continuing the Pacific theme, we describe a newly restored Grumman Avenger that is now flying in the US, with exclusive air-to-air images by John Dibbs. Spotlight on the Destroyer Our in depth Spotlight section examines a sometimes overlooked hero of the Vietnam War, the twin-engined Douglas Destroyer. We reflect on the operational career of the Cold War jet with exclusive artwork and rarely seen images. Lancaster ‘Just Jane’ The transformation of potentially airworthy Avro Lancaster B.VII Just Jane at East Kirkby is described by Darren Harbar. Maple Leaf giant The huge, four-engined Canadair CP-107 Argus served its nation well. Robert S Grant praises Canada’s much respected sub-hunter. Millionaire’s squadron Tom Moulson, 601 Squadron’s first National Service pilot, reflects on life flying Cold War jets with North Weald’s ‘Weekend Warriors’. We also look back on the last Spitfire victories of World War Two, which were made over Borneo shortly before VJ Day, while Steve Maclean describes efforts made by Liberator crews to supply beleaguered Polish partisans amid a vicious German backlash. Richard Paver reports on a MiG-15 that’s flying in Norway, and we bring you news of a significant new arrival at the Yorkshire Air Museum. Click here to view contents.

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Issue Cover

FlyPast  |   June 2017  

Don’t miss the special, 132-page June issue of FlyPast, which focuses on perhaps the most important naval battle of World War Two – Midway in the Pacific. During this pivotal 1942 clash, American air power made a significant difference. We offer a blow-by-blow account of the action, and examine the roles played by the Douglas Dauntless dive-bomber and the Brewster Buffalo.

Grumman Avenger
Continuing the Pacific theme, we describe a newly restored Grumman Avenger that is now flying in the US, with exclusive air-to-air images by John Dibbs.

Spotlight on the Destroyer
Our in depth Spotlight section examines a sometimes overlooked hero of the Vietnam War, the twin-engined Douglas Destroyer. We reflect on the operational career of the Cold War jet with exclusive artwork and rarely seen images.

Lancaster ‘Just Jane’
The transformation of potentially airworthy Avro Lancaster B.VII Just Jane at East Kirkby is described by Darren Harbar.

Maple Leaf giant
The huge, four-engined Canadair CP-107 Argus served its nation well. Robert S Grant praises Canada’s much respected sub-hunter.

Millionaire’s squadron
Tom Moulson, 601 Squadron’s first National Service pilot, reflects on life flying Cold War jets with North Weald’s ‘Weekend Warriors’.

We also look back on the last Spitfire victories of World War Two, which were made over Borneo shortly before VJ Day, while Steve Maclean describes efforts made by Liberator crews to supply beleaguered Polish partisans amid a vicious German backlash. Richard Paver reports on a MiG-15 that’s flying in Norway, and we bring you news of a significant new arrival at the Yorkshire Air Museum.

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Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Take a look through the pages of FlyPast and you will discover why it is Britain’s top-selling aviation monthly and is internationally regarded for its comprehensive coverage of aviation history and heritage. FlyPast magazine is packed with first-person aircrew memories, expertly researched features from 1914 into the 1960s, airshow news, product reviews, museum visits, restoration projects, in-detail surveys of famous aircraft as well as comprehensive and authoritative news and stunning photography from around the globe. Subjects regularly profiled include British and American aircraft type histories, as well as those of squadrons and units from the Second World War to the Cold War.

Regular features include:

• Global comprehensive and authoritative news on aviation history and heritage
• In-depth features and specials profiling aircraft, manufacturers, air forces and countries
• Regular readers’ favourites – ‘Men behind the medals’, ‘We salute you - in memory’ and ‘From the workshop’
• First-person aircrew memories
• Airshow news and reviews
• All the latest events and happenings from around the world
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• Plus regular special feature sections and supplements

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Digital subscription for Flypast magazine

I have purchased the Flypast magazine for many years and generally as a hard copy. However, for the last couple of years l have subscribed annually to the digital version and now read on my iPad.
The magazine is great and I always find the content interesting and varied and never bored with the topics covered. Whilst previously enjoying the hard copy l am now a devoted digital subscriber and would recommend this version. On the downside you miss out on add ons such as calendars etc.
Überprüft 24 November 2021


Read it for decades ! Überprüft 21 Januar 2021


I have been an avid reader since the early 80's and you are still the best Überprüft 07 Januar 2021


best European aviation news, but not on US developments Überprüft 14 Dezember 2020


More letters would be good if you get enough of them Überprüft 15 November 2020

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