FlyPast  |   October 2018
The brand new October issue of FlyPast is another 132-page special featuring a major story on a Messerschmitt Bf 109G that has flown again in the US. Björn Hellenius describes the stunning work carried out on the Military Aviation Museum’s Messerschmitt ‘Black 1’, and we feature air-to-air photography of this important warbird that’s now part of Gerry Yagen’s impressive fleet in Virginia.
Featuring exclusive artwork and rarely seen images, our popular Spotlight section focuses on the pioneering Gloster Meteor jet, the only British jet to see service in World War Two and a subsequent icon of the Cold War.
The role Supermarine Seafires played in countering Japanese kamikaze missions in the Far East is explained by Donald Nijboer.
Frank B Mormillo profiles a P-47D Thunderbolt that’s flying in Californian skies after many years of restoration.
Steve Bridgewater reports from the seven-day aviation extravaganza in Oshkosh, Wisconsin – and we also feature a few shows nearer to home.
Returning the Shuttleworth Collection’s Spitfire Mk.V to the air has been a lengthy process. Darren Harbar describes the intensive work carried out and celebrates its triumphant conclusion.
Also in this bumper issue, Jerry McLaughlin reflects on the restoration of the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force’s B-17G ‘City of Savannah’ and Brian Cleary details the exploits of Bill Crozer, a Supermarine Walrus pilot on board the ill-fated HMS ‘Repulse’. We bring you news of the return of the RAF Museum’s unique Hawker Typhoon to British shores and we uncover some rarely seen images of captured Allied aircraft in Japanese hands.
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