Many of us would like to shed a few kilos, and keep them off. This has never been more relevant, as three years of pandemic living has resulted in some of us putting on unwanted weight. But if you head online for some advice, prepare to be disappointed. Doctors, scientists and influencers seem to be locked in a tussle over what exactly works when it comes to shedding fat. There’s the like of diet expert Prof Tim Spector, who set TikTok ‘influencers’ into a sweaty flurry over his soundbite on the Diary Of A CEO podcast when he said “exercise doesn’t work”. To clarify, it is of course possible to lose weight through exercise. After all, Tour de France cyclists eat around 5,000 calories a day and still lose weight during the three-week race. The problem is, most of us mere mortals don’t exercise anywhere near enough for this to be effective. Others, like myself, have argued that counting calories has its limitations, and we shouldn’t slavishly follow the calorie counts listed on food packaging.