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FourFourTwo Magazine September 2024 Zurück Ausgabe

73 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Sport (Soccer)
Only €3,49
Featuring exclusive interviews with legends like Cafu, Kroos, and Molby, plus insights on Real Madrid's all-star attack and Aston Villa's rise to the top. Don't miss out on the world's greatest team and the new Galacticos!
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September 2024 Featuring exclusive interviews with legends like Cafu, Kroos, and Molby, plus insights on Real Madrid's all-star attack and Aston Villa's rise to the top. Don't miss out on the world's greatest team and the new Galacticos!

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FourFourTwo issue September 2024

FourFourTwo  |  September 2024  

Featuring exclusive interviews with legends like Cafu, Kroos, and Molby, plus insights on Real Madrid's all-star attack and Aston Villa's rise to the top. Don't miss out on the world's greatest team and the new Galacticos!
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Named after the quintessential 90s formation, FourFourTwo magazine is famed for its engaging combination of insightful analysis and witty banter. Originally launched in the UK back in 1994 to cover the FIFA World Cup being held in the USA, which rather ironically turned out to be one of the few years that England actually failed to qualify for the tournament!

Fast forward 20+ years and FourFourTwo is published in 17 different countries and continues to expertly cover football across the globe, both at club and international level, spanning all major leagues, competitions and tournaments. Featuring authoritative journalism from the game’s most respected and revered journalists, plus the odd superstar guest editor - each month’s edition promises to deliver all the stories and stats to keep you occupied till kickoff.

Offering you a number of popular monthly features; including eye-opening interviews with stars of past and present in ‘Upfront’, a blast from the past with a historic look back at key footballing events like Maradona’s infamous ‘Hand of God’ in Action Replay and for the budding five-a-side player in you, you’ll find expert training tips within the popular Performance feature - courtesy of the professionals!

Whether you’re passionate for the Premier League, serious about Serie A or a budding Bundesliga follower, you’ll find all the game’s biggest names and news in your monthly digital version of FourFourTwo - download the latest magazine to your device and enjoy immediately today!

A FourFourTwo digital magazine subscription is a must for football fans of all ages, who enjoy:

  • The world’s number one football magazine
  • Expert analysis from the game’s most respected pundits
  • Intriguing insight from star-studded guest editors
  • Interviews with today’s superstars and tomorrow’s world beaters
  • Detailed coverage of all major tournaments and club competitions
  • Regular features; Upfront, Features, Action Replay and Performance
  • All the latest in breaking transfer news and rumours
  • Delivered direct to your device every month

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The best, most-comprehensive, most-authoritative, interesting and entertaining football bible in the biz, and we get it every month. BRAVO ... cheers Überprüft 18 November 2020

Classic magazine

Sports fans everywhere Überprüft 24 Juli 2019


Ideal for all those supporters of the beautiful game Überprüft 16 Oktober 2018

Football fans only

Creative magazine for those who have a particular interest in soccer Überprüft 08 Dezember 2017

Ideal for fans

Plenty of information and articles regardless of what team or league you support. If you like football as a whole you'll love this magazine Überprüft 06 Februar 2017

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