Furniture & Cabinetmaking  |  November 2009
... Another day, another editor at F&C, you’re probably thinking, but chin up, the wheels haven’t completely fallen off yet and they’re not about to either. When I first threw my hat through the door at GMC I thought I knew a fair bit about furniture and cabinet making. That theory was very soon put to the test following a few late nights and a handful of back issues. A lot of you know a fair bit as well, but a lot of you know a fair bit more. And that, my friend, is the dilemma. Pleasing all of the people all of the time. But you’re reading this so I’ll assume we share a passion for all that is fine furniture and craftsmanship and agree that the principles are worth protecting, nurturing and above all promoting. Ticking all the boxes won’t be easy and I can’t promise to keep all the same ones either, but I can promise to keep it interesting, relevant and still the best magazine devoted to fine furniture and cabinet making. That’s the spirit, lad!
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