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Gamer Interactive Magazine GAMER Interactive 015 Zurück Ausgabe

6 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
With Destiny now with us, the rest of the year's big guns are queueing up behind and prepping for launch. We lead with the most frightening, with an extensive hands-on preview of Alien: Isolation. We also go big on the TV-gaming hybrid of Quantum Theory.

We've also got one of the first reviews of Hyrule Warriors, get hands-on with the intriguing Life is Strange and stock up on the likes of Battlefield Hardline, Dead Island 2, Assassin's Creed Unity and F1 2014. For all this and more, download for FREE today!
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Gamer Interactive

GAMER Interactive 015 With Destiny now with us, the rest of the year's big guns are queueing up behind and prepping for launch. We lead with the most frightening, with an extensive hands-on preview of Alien: Isolation. We also go big on the TV-gaming hybrid of Quantum Theory. We've also got one of the first reviews of Hyrule Warriors, get hands-on with the intriguing Life is Strange and stock up on the likes of Battlefield Hardline, Dead Island 2, Assassin's Creed Unity and F1 2014. For all this and more, download for FREE today!

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Issue Cover

Gamer Interactive  |  GAMER Interactive 015  

With Destiny now with us, the rest of the year's big guns are queueing up behind and prepping for launch. We lead with the most frightening, with an extensive hands-on preview of Alien: Isolation. We also go big on the TV-gaming hybrid of Quantum Theory.

We've also got one of the first reviews of Hyrule Warriors, get hands-on with the intriguing Life is Strange and stock up on the likes of Battlefield Hardline, Dead Island 2, Assassin's Creed Unity and F1 2014. For all this and more, download for FREE today!
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Good Free Gamers Mag

Good Free Gamers Mag covers next generation games coverage across all formats Überprüft 12 August 2020

Best in class

Always a good read Überprüft 23 Juli 2019

Best Xbox Mag

This has got to be the best Xbox One mag ever. Fully interactive and cant believe the price!! Überprüft 20 März 2014

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