Gress Magazine  |  March 01 2024
There's Still COVID-19
It has been six months since COVID-19
showing its ferocity. Quietly
this virus takes the lives of
people with its 'secret weapon'.
Humans then tried to make peace
with COVID-19 through health protocols.
never forget to wear a mask when going out
home, in public areas and always wash or change your mask.
change the mask. Handwashing properly and correctly
must be made a habit. And the discipline of carrying a hand
sanitizer to always keep your hands clean from
germs and viruses.
Never underestimate this one virus.
Moreover, it has reportedly mutated which makes
sufferers never feel the symptoms at all.
at all. Suddenly, they become positive for COVID-19 and
potentially infecting people nearby.
This pandemic still makes people survive and refrain from being in a home environment that is considered safe.
considered safe. It is better not to be in an environment
that invites large crowds of people. If anyway
must be in that environment, then it must follow the existing health protocols.
existing health protocols.
Dispelling the boredom of this pandemic can be done
in various ways. The most important thing is to have access
to the internet. Various conveniences are offered by
applications to make your day better.
Like this edition of GRESS that gives you
entertainment from pictures of selected models.
selected models. Find out the wildest fantasies of Christina,
Lolita and Renita. They will indulge the visualizations
in your head.
Challenging, fluid poses make for quality images.
quality images. Their body formats and assets
make this edition extra special. Sssstttt....
all three have something in common, they like to fuck in the car.
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