GT Porsche  |  June 2016
The new 718 Cayman was revealed at the recent Beijing Auto Show, it shares much with its roadster equivalent, the Boxster, and you can see the full details of the new car in this issue. The first drives of the new four-cylinder turbocharged 718 Boxster took place recently, too, the reaction has been mixed. Andrew Frankel drove a Boxster S in the UK, his verdict is in this issue, Colin Goodwin did the same and juxtaposes it with the 1996 original in his regular column.
We also pitch a Cayenne Turbo S against a classic air-cooled 911S this month for a rather unusual feature concocted with our friends, The Bottle Shop, to see which car might win a modern day ‘moonshine run’. We’ve been driving both a stunning restored 911 2.7 RS, and a 968 Club Sport, and also two versions of the entry-level 911, the 996. There’s more inside this June issue too, in particular we’ve been sliding a 911 on snow and ice on Tuthill Porsche’s Below Zero course – is this the best way to master the fabled handling traits of the classic 911?
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