Guitar Player  |  March 2023
Mike Campbell
As Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ new Live at the Fillmore 1997 compilation gets its long-awaited release, Mike Campbell reveals what went down when the band got back to its roots.
Houses of the Holy
Released 50 years ago, Houses of the Holy has been overshadowed by IV. It’s the Led Zeppelin masterpiece no one ever talks about — but it’s the album that took them to the top of the rock and roll mountain.
Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page reveals a secret behind “The Rain Song” and weighs in on his perfectionism.
Behind the Tracks
Houses of the Holy was the sound of a band at the top of its game. Eddie Kramer was there to assist, and these are his memories of the album’s eight songs.
Steve Vai
After sitting on a shelf for 30 years, Steve Vai’s balls-out ode to the joys of riding is finally out. But the real surprise is the guy behind the mic.
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