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Heavy Duty Magazine Issue 143 Nov/Dec 2015 Zurück Ausgabe

9 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
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In this final issue for 2015 – and wow, what a year! – HEAVY DUTY features a stunning cover bike from Geelong H-D, a custom Harley-Davidson Breakout. It has magnificent paintwork and murals and was photographed by internationally-renowned photographer, Katrina Lawrence. In addition we have a ride report from Tokyo on the 2016 H-D Dark Custom range. The wettest week in Tokyo since 1958 made for an interesting bike test but the new H-D models are great. We're also featuring a comprehensive round-up of the 75th Sturgis Rally by the highly esteemed US motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter, including his "Naked Truth" exhibition, which was really something very special. And our regular columnist Boris Mihailovic gives us a unique report on the Phillip Island MotoGP race – with pics of the now infamous seagull incident. Plus all the Tech Torq questions that Doc can answer, and his update on his latest projecte bike, "Warbird". All this and more in the November/December issue of HEAVY DUTY.
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Heavy Duty

Issue 143 Nov/Dec 2015 In this final issue for 2015 – and wow, what a year! – HEAVY DUTY features a stunning cover bike from Geelong H-D, a custom Harley-Davidson Breakout. It has magnificent paintwork and murals and was photographed by internationally-renowned photographer, Katrina Lawrence. In addition we have a ride report from Tokyo on the 2016 H-D Dark Custom range. The wettest week in Tokyo since 1958 made for an interesting bike test but the new H-D models are great. We're also featuring a comprehensive round-up of the 75th Sturgis Rally by the highly esteemed US motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter, including his "Naked Truth" exhibition, which was really something very special. And our regular columnist Boris Mihailovic gives us a unique report on the Phillip Island MotoGP race – with pics of the now infamous seagull incident. Plus all the Tech Torq questions that Doc can answer, and his update on his latest projecte bike, "Warbird". All this and more in the November/December issue of HEAVY DUTY.

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Issue Cover

Heavy Duty  |  Issue 143 Nov/Dec 2015  

In this final issue for 2015 – and wow, what a year! – HEAVY DUTY features a stunning cover bike from Geelong H-D, a custom Harley-Davidson Breakout. It has magnificent paintwork and murals and was photographed by internationally-renowned photographer, Katrina Lawrence. In addition we have a ride report from Tokyo on the 2016 H-D Dark Custom range. The wettest week in Tokyo since 1958 made for an interesting bike test but the new H-D models are great. We're also featuring a comprehensive round-up of the 75th Sturgis Rally by the highly esteemed US motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter, including his "Naked Truth" exhibition, which was really something very special. And our regular columnist Boris Mihailovic gives us a unique report on the Phillip Island MotoGP race – with pics of the now infamous seagull incident. Plus all the Tech Torq questions that Doc can answer, and his update on his latest projecte bike, "Warbird". All this and more in the November/December issue of HEAVY DUTY.
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HEAVY DUTY is Australia’s favourite Harley-Davidson and V-twin motorcycle magazine.

Each high quality issue showcases motorcycles mainly from Australia, but also around the world.

HEAVY DUTY features:
• Test rides on latest models
• The best custom bike builders and their creations.
• Tech Torq, offering tips and advice on everything a Big Twin owner needs to know.

This magazine is a must-have for any Big Twin enthusiast.

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First Class Harley-Davidson and V-twin motorcycle magazine

First Class Harley-Davidson and V-twin motorcycle magazine aimed at the Australian reader but of interest to any Harley owner. Überprüft 07 Juli 2019

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