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Hi-Fi Choice Magazine July 2023 Zurück Ausgabe

145 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Hi-Fi)
Only €5,99
Inside the July issue: 
Reviews: Hegel P30A/H30A pre/power amplifiers, Cambridge AudioMXN10 Network
player, Sivga Oriole closed-back, over-ear headphone, Dual CS 429 unsuspended
automatic belt-drive turntable, Bowers & Wilkins Pi7 S2 true wireless noise-
cancelling in-ear headphones, FiiO K9 Pro ESS desktop DAC/amp, Russell K Red
120Se 2.5-way floorstanding loudspeakers, Chord Electronics Ultima Pre 3
preamplifier, Perlisten R5m three-way bass reflex standmount loudspeaker, Melco
C100 Ethernet cable, Ecosse The Producer digital interconnect and a Group Test of
high-output phono cartridges featuring Goldring Eroica HX, Grado Timbre Sonata3,
MoFi Electronics MasterTracker, Nagaoka JT-80BK, Sumiko Amethyst, Vertere
Regulars include contributor Opinion columns, Readers’ Letters, Reasons To Be
Cheerful, Music Legends (this month we feature Iggy Pop), our Flashback interview
(this one’s with Van Halen), Beginner’s Guide to streaming and the 100+ product
Buyers’ Guide.
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Hi-Fi Choice

July 2023 Inside the July issue:  Reviews: Hegel P30A/H30A pre/power amplifiers, Cambridge AudioMXN10 Network player, Sivga Oriole closed-back, over-ear headphone, Dual CS 429 unsuspended automatic belt-drive turntable, Bowers & Wilkins Pi7 S2 true wireless noise- cancelling in-ear headphones, FiiO K9 Pro ESS desktop DAC/amp, Russell K Red 120Se 2.5-way floorstanding loudspeakers, Chord Electronics Ultima Pre 3 preamplifier, Perlisten R5m three-way bass reflex standmount loudspeaker, Melco C100 Ethernet cable, Ecosse The Producer digital interconnect and a Group Test of high-output phono cartridges featuring Goldring Eroica HX, Grado Timbre Sonata3, MoFi Electronics MasterTracker, Nagaoka JT-80BK, Sumiko Amethyst, Vertere Sabre. Regulars include contributor Opinion columns, Readers’ Letters, Reasons To Be Cheerful, Music Legends (this month we feature Iggy Pop), our Flashback interview (this one’s with Van Halen), Beginner’s Guide to streaming and the 100+ product Buyers’ Guide.

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Issue Cover

Hi-Fi Choice  |  July 2023  

Inside the July issue: 
Reviews: Hegel P30A/H30A pre/power amplifiers, Cambridge AudioMXN10 Network
player, Sivga Oriole closed-back, over-ear headphone, Dual CS 429 unsuspended
automatic belt-drive turntable, Bowers & Wilkins Pi7 S2 true wireless noise-
cancelling in-ear headphones, FiiO K9 Pro ESS desktop DAC/amp, Russell K Red
120Se 2.5-way floorstanding loudspeakers, Chord Electronics Ultima Pre 3
preamplifier, Perlisten R5m three-way bass reflex standmount loudspeaker, Melco
C100 Ethernet cable, Ecosse The Producer digital interconnect and a Group Test of
high-output phono cartridges featuring Goldring Eroica HX, Grado Timbre Sonata3,
MoFi Electronics MasterTracker, Nagaoka JT-80BK, Sumiko Amethyst, Vertere
Regulars include contributor Opinion columns, Readers’ Letters, Reasons To Be
Cheerful, Music Legends (this month we feature Iggy Pop), our Flashback interview
(this one’s with Van Halen), Beginner’s Guide to streaming and the 100+ product
Buyers’ Guide.
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Hi-Fi Choice is the essential guide to getting the best possible sound from your hi-fi, whether you're buying, tuning or tweaking... It has a no-nonsense approach to reviewing the finest audio products available, from hi-res streaming and downloads to CD, vinyl and valves. Hi-Fi Choice magazine has been at the forefront of audio equipment reviews and buying advice for over 40 years and no other magazine has the same passion for sound that we do!

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Basierend auf 145 Kundenrezensionen
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Hi-Fi Choice

excellent Überprüft 25 Januar 2021

Hi-Fi Choice

Love the magazine. Very good value. Lots of good articles . Reviews are particularly useful and informative. Überprüft 02 Januar 2021

Hi-Fi Choice

Though a 90% of the devices they rate are off my league, when they review something I have or I want to have they are definitely neutral and out of the marketing exaggeration. It is a relief that they use less hi-fi snake oil jargon than what Hi-Fi. Worthy paying and it has helped my shopping decisions. Finally it is an aspirational cast away that I like and entertaining Überprüft 28 April 2020

Hi-Fi Choice

I really appreciate to discover new albums thanks to this long time accurate magazine that I know since many decades. Thomas from Belgium Überprüft 21 April 2020

Hi-Fi Choice

measured and reliable information source combined with a nice read. Überprüft 05 April 2020

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